Tag Archives: Coal

The Fuck-You’s are Starting Up

Aside from a Justice Department that tortures people because they believe the president is some kind of Sun King, there’s probably nothing worse than an EPA that actively works with Big Coal to destroy the environment.

I can see two trends.  One, Bush uses his remaining month and a half to issue fuck-you’s with varying consequences that will at the very least serve as annoying distractions for the Obama team.

And two, whenever anyone brings this up, people will shout, “Marc Rich!  Clinton pardoned Marc Rich because he wanted money for his library!”  Which was transparently corrupt.  But Eric Holder was a force behind it and he’s now going to be the Attorney General, so while hundreds of miles of streams are buried under slurry forever, the moral of the story will be “Bush Shady, Clinton and Obama Shady Too.”  Greaaat.