Tag Archives: Hair

Lapland Has an Amazing Heraldic Crest

It’s not just a really good Ratatat song.  (Sigh, shortly I expect to add an mp3 feature).



The Swedish province’s shield crest is all right:


But the Finnish one is amazing!



Look at my innie or I'll club you

Look at my innie or I'll club you

That is so fucking hot.  I want to drink beer and cuddle with him.

The Craft + Style blogosphere

My friend Alison works for Etsy and has begun a new blog for them, a compendium of assorted delightful oddities from around the world.

This week’s is particularly great.

The bus-cozy is one thing, but the figure sculpted from tobacco products is like a deranged Muppet.  I fucking love it.  It reminded me of this childhood gem:

Shirley Chisholm Was Fabulous

As I clicked through links on Wikipedia and invariably wound up looking at the history of the Congressional Black Caucus–if I do well on game shows, it’s because there are people nerdier than me by several orders of magnitude–I came upon Shirley Chisholm, first African American woman in Congress (1969-83, from Brooklyn) and first African American woman to run for president (1972).  I want to think her picture comes from some boring subcommittee hearing where everyone was falling asleep but her.  I mean, look at her posture.  And her hair is amazing.  This photograph says, “I am listening, and yes, I am actually here.”

Read her profile.  It’s rad.


Excusing this monochromatica, if there’s ever a Mt. Women of Color to serve as a counterbalance to Mt. Rushmore, I think Shirley Chisholm should be an anchor tenant, flanked by Jackee, Ce Ce Peniston and LaBouche.  For reals.