Daily Archives: November 4, 2008

I know what I literally just said, but electoral predictions are too sexy

Obama: 52.5, McCain: 46, with 1.5 total for Barr/Nader/whoever.

Obama wins every ’04 blue state plus CO, FL, IA, NV, NM, NC, OH, VA. I think he’ll win Missouri but I’m hedging on Indiana.  Winning Georgia, where the early-voting (at 2 million) has already reached 60% of the TOTAL 2004 vote, is within the realm of possibility and would be the difference between comfortable win and landslide.  Winning Arizona, which is in the single digits, is highly unlikely but would be like taking the GOP’s carcass and sucking out the marrow.  McCain would become the new Barry Goldwater.

The Democrats pick up 7-8 seats in the Senate, losing none (AK, CO, NH, NM, NC, OR, VA and hopefully MN, but that’s the only true toss-up).  They won’t win MS-B or KY, but I think GA will go to a runoff–which will go on to be the first test of President-elect Obama’s clout and the most expensive such Senate race evah.

The Democrats gain 23 seats in the House. I won’t enumerate them (yawn) but I think they’ll win 26 and lose 3–maybe 4 if Jack Murtha’s constituents are either not racist or don’t like being called out on their racism. The highlight will be homophobic Marilyn Musgrave going down in Colorado.  Also, Michelle Bachmann in Minnesota, the Katharine Harris of the Frostbelt.  Buh-bye, shugs.

The Democrats gain one governorship: Missouri.

What I really hope is for the New York State Senate to flip and for New York’s congressional representation to be 26 Democrats, 3 Republicans.  It might actually be 27-2, in which case a state government totally controlled by Democrats could redistrict those last two out of existence when NY loses two seats after the 2010 census and reapportionment.  I’d totes come in my pants.

But that’s two years from now.  2008 is probs a pre-come only situation.

Suck the Rainbow

Just got back from voting and decided to begin a blog dedicated to satire, radical fag-politics, delightfully offensive things one shouldn’t view while at work and the polychromatic oddities that make life worth living in the last days of the Bush Administration and beyond.

Starting it on Election Day means I can’t veer into electoral pedantry much after today (and I recommend fivethirtyeight.com to exorcise those demonic urges).

I chose this name for a couple of reasons.  First,  today I had to vote to defend same-sex marriage.  In California, Proposition 8 used the same right-wing tactics of hysterical lies and homophobic fear-mongering to undo the State Supreme Court’s progressive step towards a fairer society by permitting same-sex couples to wed.  (California is the 2nd of 3 states to have done so, after Massachusetts and before Connecticut).  Because of its outsized political heft, its nature as a place for progressive legislative experimentation and its sheer population, stopping marriage fairness here would kill the movement nationwide.

I hate same-sex marriage–but I hate conservatives more.  Ideally, marriage should be a boring, municipal contract between persons (maybe more than two) that stipulates who receives what benefits and rights that come up upon a person’s death, hospitalization, ownership of property, etc.  It should be “divorced” (as it were) from anything involving God, religion, morality, the welfare of all the world’s children or any buzzwords that cause the great middlebrow blob of ordinary, nominally Christian Americans to fly completely off the handle.  Just as nobody screams about evil when an old lady bequeaths her fortune to a dog, nobody should get worked up when a man marries another man.  Or men.  (But you can’t marry that dog, because animals cannot consent.  I guess I’m a species-ist who draws the line after polyamory).

Simultaneously, what is with the gay wanting to get married?  Gross.  Be a rebel and live in sin.  There’s no fucking God and gay sex is inherently messy and wrong.  That’s why it’s so fun.

Having to fight for a right that I would never exercise just because the people attacking it are stupid, religious assholes is seriously irritating.  This is why pretty much everyone on earth needs to suck the fucking rainbow already and get over either your bullshit, poorly-informed prejudices or, if your sexual predilections incline you towards something Mom might not like, your homonormative need for social approval.  Like, snoozeville.

And lastly, I want to point out just how right-wing lots of supposed liberals are.  I know we’re all excited about President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expanded majority, but let’s see what happens with the Iraq war.  (Pelosi, of course, spectrally haunts middle America because of her alleged fringe-lefty convictions, but you’ll never find a bigger Bush-enabler or worshipper of corrupt Establishment power).  Thomas L. Friedman, by far the worst New York Times columnist, is kind of like Pelosi.  Watch this YouTube clip from 2003 and you’ll see why this blog is called what it is.  Thanks for reading.