Tag Archives: Hilaire!

All the Frivolity That’s Fit to Shit Out


I’m not scolding.  Smart people enjoy stupid shit, and I’m as big a lover of bright, shiny things as anyone else.  But this was just hilarious.  The Times website is currently a roster of meaningless crap, bookended by truly pointless articles that come from the Week in Review and Metro sections.

When people say they hate the media and when venerable media institutions wither, this is why.  It’s nice to leaven an economic depression with inanity, but shouldn’t the Times have a marketing department with a mission statement and shit, or highly-compensated people who work on maintaining their core brand?

If people want to read these kinds of things, they’re going to go to LOLcats.

VD: Valentine’s Day

Awwww.  I know they’re in on it because it’s a great store.


There’s something so romantic about defleshing big pieces of meat.  Together, as a couple.