Monthly Archives: January 2009

Maureen Dowd: Just a Bad Person?

In addition to bizarre full-page ads like the one I mentioned two days ago, another pleasurable thing about the dead-tree version of newspapers is the ironic juxtaposition of articles and opinion pieces.  For example, on Sunday in hte NYT there was a smart article about how in light of Rod Blagojevich (and the other 3 governors who appointed interim senators) the 17th Amendment should be updated so that, as with House vacancies, Senate seats are filled by special election.

Adjacent to this highminded contribution to public discourse is the real estate occupied by Maureen Dowd.  Her column was devoted to attacking David Paterson.  She spends the first two paragraphs lionizing Rod Blagojevich, lavishing attention on his hair in that semi-ironic way she has of dabbling at arm’s length with girlish crushes on powerful public figures–so that you think she’s kidding when she’s really not.

The rest of her column is pretty amazing.  While it’s fair to say that Paterson waited a weirdly long time to appoint Kirsten Gillibrand, Dowd takes an almost personal offense at how he didn’t appoint Caroline Kennedy.

The Democrats would have had another Kennedy int he Senate representing New York – Bobby’s niece and a smart, policy-oriented, civic-minded woman to whom the president feels deeply indebted in an era when every state has its hand out.  Instead they have Gillibrand who voted against the Wall Street – as in New York  – bailout bill.

Holy shit!  First, this obsession with the Kennedys is too much.  Why are they so fucking great?  They’re mostly just tragic.  Not even Bush got us closer to nuclear war than JFK did.  He was a mediocre president, and that’s that.  Bobby Kennedy was cool, but his assassination precluded him from doing much, either.  Being his niece is not a qualification.  It’s not even that interesting.  As for “civic-minded” and “policy-oriented,” those terms are so vague as to encompass nearly everybody.  They certainly don’t exclude Kirsten Gillibrand, about whom Dowd literally gossips:

The 42-year old Gillibrand, who has been in the House for only two years, is known as opportunisticc and sharp-elbowed.  Tracy Flick is her nickname among colleagues int he New York delegation, many of whom were M.I.A. at her Albany announcement.

Fellow Democrats were warning Harry Reid on Friday that he was going to have his hands full with te new senator because she’s “a pain.”

That unattributed quote says it all.  Maureen Dowd is a hypocrite and a malicious bitch.  She can’t even come up with a decent adjective to pump up the dynastic cipher she so desperately wanted to crown, but she will totally parrot the most cowardly kind of innuendo–and if a man spoke publicly about Gillibrand this way Maureen Dowd would be the first to call him a sexist asshole.

Gillibrand is too moderate.  But she won her election in 2006 in a Republican district and hopefully will lean leftward without the same electoral pressure.  We’ll just have to see.  Whereas Hillary Clinton, David Paterson, Andrew Cuomo and Caroline Kennedy are all married to or descended from prior politicians, Gillibrand is not.  Unless she told Maureen Dowd to go fuck herself, there is nothing on the merits that suggests the process leading to her selection as senator was corrupt or inappropriate.

Except for, you know, that neighboring opinion piece that puts this whole shit fit into perspective.


Putting Maureen Dowd into perspective, these are the most contemptible women in the world.

Two Potential Road Trip Routes

In pursuit of reaching all 50 states before I’m 30 (as I promised I would do when I was 20; seven to go), here are some road trip itineraries.  Not that they go to that many states, but I want to go everywhere.


S.F. – Carson City/Reno – Boise – Bend, OR – Crater Lake – S.F. At 1500 miles, this would take 28 hours of driving.  Which means you would do it in five days, six if you stayed in Crater Lake an extra day.  (Bend is where the Thomas Beatie, the Pregnant Man lives.  He had the baby and is pregnant again.  I would like to drive there and tell him how I support his radically normal agenda.)


S. F. – Yosemite – Kings Canyon/Sequoia Nat’l Parks – Death Valley – Las Vegas – Joshua Tree – Coastline – S. F. This one would be way longer.  It’s 1600 miles plus adventures within the national parks, but a lot of it is windy backroads.  Especially the last leg, going up the coast on 1.  It wouldn’t be quite as terrifying to do that drive at night as it is to come south, because the Pacific isn’t right below you heading north, but it would take an eternity.  An amazing eternity.  And by going to Death Valley one simply must visit the Amargosa Opera House in Death Valley Junction.  Not that I have yet.

Bill Kristol: A Nepotist Who’s Wrong About Everything

Ha ha ha ha ha!

When the Times took him on a little over a year ago, smart people freaked out.  This was of course cited as the secret intolerance of liberals for differing opinions.  But actually, it was mostly because in pursuit of a post-William Safire conservative the NYT mistook “wrong-about-everything” for “right-of-center.”  Worse than Kristol’s track record of bombastic inaccuracy is how his father, Irving Kristol, was buddy-buddy with Abe Rosenthal, the father of Andrew Rosenthal, the editorial page editor who hired Bill.

Everyone knows how conservative the Times can be, but clubbiness trumps even that.  New York is the Nepotism State.

As his final thought, I love how Kristol said

“It’s been fun,” he said, adding, “It’s a lot of work.”

Yeah, having the choicest perch in all of opiniondom sure is tough!  You’re even expected to be right on occasion.  Better go back to writing for wingnuts only, because nobody there calls you out when you’re comically incorrect.

Like from April:

But a surprising number of Democrats with whom I’ve spoken expect a McCain victory. One told me he was struck by the current polls showing a dead-even race, suggesting both a surprising openness to McCain among Americans who disapprove of Bush and a striking hesitation among the same voters about Obama.

Then there’s the fact that we’re at war. As a Congressional staffer put it, “Here’s something to consider: Although Hillary will be out in May, she may determine the outcome in November. McCain’s secret weapon — among Clinton supporters — may be Hillary’s 3 a.m. national security ad.”

And an experienced Democratic operative e-mailed: “Finally, I think [McCain’s] going to win. Obama isn’t growing in stature. Once I thought he could be Jimmy Carter, but now he reminds me more of Michael Dukakis with the flag lapel thing and defending Wright. Plus he doesn’t have a clue how to talk to the middle class. He’s in the Stevenson reform mold out of Illinois, with a dash of Harvard disease thrown in.”

Or September, in a column titled “A Star is Born?”

Thursday night, after Barack Obama’s well-orchestrated, well-conceived and well-delivered acceptance speech in Denver, Republicans were demoralized. Twenty-four hours later, they were energized — even exuberant. It’s amazing what a bold vice-presidential pick who gives a sterling performance when she’s introduced will do for a party’s spirits…

I spent an afternoon with Palin a little over a year ago in Juneau, and have followed her career pretty closely ever since. I think she can pull it off.

And this is just amazing:

It’s also hilarious that his final column heralds the end of the era of conservative dominance.  What a coincidence.  He stops writing for the Times the moment conservatism died.  Nothing too egomaniacal about that.  Now all that needs to happen is for a plane carrying Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity and the Big Bopper to crash.

Full disclosure: I have a friend who was expelled from college for being part of a group that pied Kristol.  But it’s not like my father and his father baked the pie.

Lesbian Double Homicide Solved

One of the weirdest articles ever.  To sum up: lesbian teenager in 1967 Virginia kills two co-workers who made fun of her while she scooped ice cream, colludes with FBI to bury murder weapon, admits guilt practically on her deathbed.  Yet mysteries abound.  Like, was she really a lesbian?  Is the article implying that 1967 was way different from 2009 and teenagers in middle America don’t get tormented by being called gay over and over, even in cases when they’re not, even to the point of blowing two bitches away?

Not to condone murder, but that’s one bad ass teenage girl.  OK, whatever.  I condone murder.  But only good murder.

Also, to reinforce my status as a young fogey, there was something in the NY Times today that you will only see in the print version: a full-page open latter from Sealy Mattress to Pres. Obama basically begging him to let them deliver a free Posturepedic to the White House.

“Just let us know and we’ll bring it straight over to Pennsylvania Avenue.

We won’t ask to take a picture with you or see the Lincoln Bedroom.  All we ask is that you let someone at the front gate know we’re coming.”

How charming.  And desperate.  Um, it’s not a Motel 6 over there.  (And you thought full-page ads only came from AIPAC or Yoko Ono anymore.  “War Is Over.  If You Want It.  Which You Don’t.  I’m Re-Releasing Grapefruit to Recoup My Losses from That Turkish Chauffeur Thingy.  Breathe.”)

Pandora Gets Passive-Aggressive

Ahem, if you’re not going to order another soy chai, get out.


Do I really need to feel apologetic to a website cause I got up and did something else?  (I’m being a total grandpa about this, aren’t I?)

Chillax, Ted Haggard. You’re Just Gay, Is All. It’s Actually Fun.

Jesus Christ, has this guy had enough from Jesus Christ.

I especially love the church’s justification for paying the guy to keep quiet about it:

“Here was a young man who wanted to get on with his life. We considered it more compassionate assistance — certainly not hush money. I know what’s what everyone will want to say because that’s the most salacious thing to say, but that’s not at all what it was.”

Yielding to temptation is totes a good time, but now when the price is damage to your life and the lives of others over whom you hold a great deal of power because you’re a famous pastor and everyone involved thinks they’re going to burn in hell for the price of a snog.  Get over it, Haggard.  You’re just a homo.  It’s all right.

Lapland Has an Amazing Heraldic Crest

It’s not just a really good Ratatat song.  (Sigh, shortly I expect to add an mp3 feature).



The Swedish province’s shield crest is all right:


But the Finnish one is amazing!



Look at my innie or I'll club you

Look at my innie or I'll club you

That is so fucking hot.  I want to drink beer and cuddle with him.

Media Circle Jerk

I blame VH1 for the resurgence of meaningless lists over the past decade, since they started with the 100 Greatest Bands of All Time.  (None was more self-serving and ridiculous than Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, which had “Like a Rolling Stone” and “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones at no. 1 and no. 2).

But this is bad too.  Forbes ranked the 25 Most Influential Liberals now that Obama’s in charge.  Some are good (Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Matthew Yglesias, Kos) and some are a little inexplicable (I would hesitate to categorize Oprah with the rest of them; I would relegate her to the category of the social rather than to the political, in academic terms.  And no Olbermann?  I don’t like him but he’s def waxing gibbous).

And some are awful–and they’re mostly towards the top.  Maureen Dowd is in there, presumably at her scratching post.  Chris Matthews, also listed.  As is Christopher Hitchens, which shows you that being an atheist is so freakish and unacceptable in America that supporting Bush and advocating torture won’t get a nonbeliever listed as a neocon. Andrew Sullivan?  Oh right, you can’t call yourself a conservative and also be one if you’re gay.

And Tom Friedman is no. 4.  Why, why, why.  At least Paul Krugman is no. 1.  (His column today is pretty good, by the way).  A Nobel trumps two Pulitzers.

I think Forbes felt left out by a few inaugural parties and wanted to remind people they they service other purposes besides telling them how much money they’re losing.  Namely, informing the glitterati how great they are.  Oh, the politics of politics.

The Craft + Style blogosphere

My friend Alison works for Etsy and has begun a new blog for them, a compendium of assorted delightful oddities from around the world.

This week’s is particularly great.

The bus-cozy is one thing, but the figure sculpted from tobacco products is like a deranged Muppet.  I fucking love it.  It reminded me of this childhood gem:

Google Map of the 2008 Road Trip

It took longer than I thought (the google map; not the trip), but here it is.  Green flags are places we stayed, and pink is for random oddities.